Started Offa’s Dyke

Hello all!

A short update as I am in a free-internet cafe and don’t want to take up all the time.

Arrived safe and well in the UK, albeit exhausted after no sleep on the flight from Chicago and a long trip from London Heathrow (where BA almost had lost my hiking poles, but luckily they were found while I was registering them as missing) to Chepstow, start of the walk.

After a good night’s sleep I felt reasonably refreshed to start day one. After day one jetlag was almost over!

I am now in Monmouth after my 2nd day of walking. These were 2 short days: 13.5 km each. Tomorrow the real fun starts: 21 km (and some 24 and 21 and 19 for the next days and some more serious hills). The weather so far has been fine and I’m getting better at reading the map!

Greetings from Monmouth,



  1. Wow! You are on your way. Hope you liked the walk up the Wye valley. I think it is really quite beautiful. Short days should make it easy to have a few beers in the evening. Only 14 days to go!!!
    (missing you heaps)

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