Màijīshān (麦积山石窟)

Friday, May 2, 2014

It was a long night. Stephen managed to get another tummy bug, and most of the night was spent awake and very near the toilet. These tummy bugs are getting a little annoying and we are not entirely sure what is causing them. No one else was struck with the same ailment. But regardless, we decided to soldier on and still make the drive to Màijīshān. The other convoy members offered to drive Sterlin if things got too bad. We ended up stopping at every service station along the expressway, but did not require a substitute driver.

Beautiful scenery albeit a bit hazy.
Beautiful scenery albeit a bit hazy.

The morning activity was to visit Màijīshān Grottoes. These are a series of nearly 200 caves cut into the side of a mountain.  This site and rock cut architecture contains over 7,200 Buddhist sculptures and over 1,000 square meters of murals all dating back to 384-417 AD. But the best bit are the staircases bolted to the rock wall, even if they were only installed in the last few decades.

Saturday, May 3, 2014
Our Guide (Lun)
Our Guide (Lun)
Big Buddhas
Big Buddhas
Little Buddhas
Little Buddhas
Staircases bolted to the rock face.
Staircases bolted to the rock face.
Looking up.
Looking up.
The lads enjoying a well deserved ice-cream.
The lads enjoying a well deserved ice-cream.