01  Living room from the entry. 02  From the bookcases in the living room to the dining room and kitchen. 03  Dining room and kitchen. 04  The loft. 05  The loft from the far side. 06  Living room from the stairs to the loft.
07  From the entry across the living room towards the dining room. 08  Living area powder room. 09  Downstairs: lounge room-to-be. 10  Downstairs: from the bedroom to the lounge room. 11  From the lounge room to the bedroom; the area behind the french doors will become a walk-in closet. 12  Living room from the stairs to the lower level. Noticed the ceiling already? It has an 'arty' impression of a worldmap painted on it... we rather like it.
13  Caroline and Jeremy (our agent) toasting from the loft. 14  Boxes in our old study. 15  Lots of boxes in our old study. 16  Our day-labor crew has arrived. 17  Filling the truck. 18  Fil and Carlo.
19  Empty living room - yes we are saying goodbye to that gorgeous view! 20  Feeding the troops. 21  Stephen, Carlo and Fil. 22  Filling up the new home. 23  Filling up the new home. 24  Stacking boxes on the lower level.
25  A toast to the end of a succesful and laborous move - we are on the top floors in the building and there is no elevator! 26  Carlo, Fil, Gina, Siska and Stephen. 27  Take-away Thai dinner. 28  Dinner. 29  Two very content and happy new home owners. 30  In good Belgian fashion our first drink guests arrived that evening: Tim, Nadine, Jan, Caroline and Dirk.