DSC 1953  Street scene in Shigatse, Tibet's 2nd largest city. DSC 1959  Why make the donkey walk when you can put it on a motorized cart - which seems as stubborn about starting as a donkey might be. DSC 1965  Monks at a local festival. DSC 1991  Inside the grouns of the Tashilhunpo Monastery in Shigatse. DSC 1996  The Tashilhunpo Monastery is the seat of the Panchen Lama (2nd only to the Dalai Lama). DSC 1998  Tashilhunpo Monastery.
DSC 2001  Tashilhunpo Monastery. DSC 2002  Tashilhunpo Monastery. DSC 2017  Tashilhunpo Monastery. DSC 2039  Tibetan humor... DSC 2064  Prayer flags and solar panels for China Mobile. DSC 2069  On the road btw Shigatse and Sakya.
DSC 2079  Btw Shigatse and Sakya. DSC 2132  Sakya. DSC 2134  The wall surrounding the Sakya Monastery. DSC 2137  The wall surrounding the Sakya Monastery.